Friday, March 18, 2011

00:24 (24 minutes): First 6 Episodes Review

I admit it. I was drawn in by the catchy title. I've only seen bits and pieces of 24, but I was curious to see how a web series might parody it.

So far, 00:24 does not disappoint. The series starts with a bang, immediately showing off its visual style and pace. The episodes are usually under 3 minutes, yet they always advance the story.

Stack Power, played by Ben Begley, performs convincingly as a parody of Jack Bauer from 24. Because the series tries to maintain a tone, hysterical moments are rarer than moderately funny ones. However, my favorite moments were when the tone, pace and acting combined to justify a ridiculous situation.

In episode 6, Stack Power enters a family's house during a chase. He needlessly pummels a man in the arm to shoo him into a room. He then bars the door with a chair before continuing his pursuit. It sounds strange, but it's funny and it works in the context of the show.

One slightly distracting element is the addition of credits over the show. Episode 6 has credits through the first 47 seconds of a 104 second episode. That's in addition to the normal 24 seconds of credits at the end. Regardless, I'm definitely curious to see if this web series can keep up the pace it has established.

Watch 00:24.


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